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REF# st08-3-1/PhoenixZ1.JPG
by Phoenix (age 8, boy)
"That's one of my first 3-D cars."

REF# st08-2-5/StevenW1.JPG
by Steven (age 8, boy)
Massatusets, USA
"About Space"

REF# st08-2-4/CarrieW1.BMP
by Carrie (age 10, girl)
North Dakota, USA
"I see contelations all the time at my house, especially the four stars I see and named, Box"

REF# st08-2-3/JohnP4.JPG
by John (age 10, boy)
Florida, USA
"The Void"

REF# st08-2-2/kierB1.GIF
by kier (age 11, boy)
uk, UK

REF# st08-2-1/LaurenA1.JPG
by Lauren (age 6, girl)
Ontario, Canada
"Space Travil"

REF# st08-1-5/EthanA1.JPG
by Ethan(age 5, boy)
Texas, USA
"Wall-e Robot"

REF# st08-1-4/DaneN1.JPG
by Dane(age 10, boy)
New South Wales, Australia
"Milk Truck"

REF# st08-1-3/AnushkaM3.JPG
by Anushka (age 6, girl)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
"surface of planet venus"

REF# st08-1-2/DerekE1.JPG
by Derek (age 6, boy)
Ontario, Canada
"My rocket Alpha 2 to the Moon"

REF# st08-1-1/IsidoraC1.JPG
by Isidora (age 8, girl)
"Space Fantasy"