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REF# _a17-5/LindseyG.GIF
by LINDSEY (age 8, girl)
"Tiger cat!!"

REF# _a17-4/CandaceP.JPG
by Candace (age 6, girl)
"This kitty loves to play outside."

REF# _a17-3/Midori15.GIF
by Midori (age 11, girl)
Tokyo Japan
"Bubu tapes ears and a pocket to be kangaroo, and Noko follows the same trick to be a Koala."

REF# _a17-2/AndrewS.JPG
by Andrew (age 9, boy)
Maryland USA
"I have 3 cats and a dog & a bird, this is chakotay my favorite cat!"

REF# _a17-1/SirisahibK.GIF
by Siri (age 10, boy)
Arizona USA

REF# _a16-5/AmyA.GIF
by Amy (age 6, girl)
Cheshire UK
"My dolphin is called Flipper"

REF# _a16-4/Courtney.GIF
by Courtney (age 9, girl)
B.C Canada
"I love cats!"

REF# _a16-3/RachelW1.GIF
by Rachel (age 9, girl)
"This Pooh Bear is My very best friend!"

REF# _a16-2/JustinS.JPG
by Justin (age 9, boy)
California USA
"Its cool!!!"

REF# _a16-1/Helen2.GIF
by HELEN (age 9)
Moscow Russian Federation
"These my frends dog-Tiga and cat-Musuik."

REF# _a15-5/JackD.GIF
by Jack (age 12, boy)
California USA
"It's okay. There are my two favorite animals."

REF# _a15-4/HiromiO.GIF
by Hiromi (age 9, girl)
MIE Japan
"Prince hamster goes to a forest."

REF# _a15-3/HiroakiN5.GIF
by Hiroaki (age 8, boy)
Saitama Japan
"The Dinosaur World"

REF# _a15-2/VeronicaI.JPG
by Veronica (age 9, girl)

REF# _a15-1/JaneMcG.GIF
by Jane (age 13, girl)
East Lothian Scotland
"*meow*! I don't have a cat(I have 2 dogs, in fact!), but they're still cute!"