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Click a square icon to see the picture. Click a bean icon to read a story for the picture.

REF# _a41-5/FatimahK1.JPG
by Fatimah (age 6 , girl)
Nara, Japan
"The rabbit is eating her meal."

REF# _a41-4/yukaY2.JPG
by yuka (age 4, girl)
Osaka, Japan

REF# _a41-3/BrentJ1.JPG
by Brent (age 12, boy)
California, USA
"This is a picture of my kitty named "Shadow""

REF# _a41-2/MadokaH1.JPG
by Madoka (age 8, girl)
Osaka, Japan

REF# _a41-1/AkariU4.JPG
by Akari (age , girl)
Tokyo, Japan

REF# _a40-5/AkariU3.JPG
by Akari (age 10, girl)
Tokyo, Japan
"I love Pooh."

REF# _a40-4/EvanM2.GIF
by Evan (age 10, boy)
BC, Canada
"Sky, Tree and Bird"

REF# _a40-3/NanaF1.GIF
by Nana (age 6, girl)
Tokyo, Japan
"The cat is tensed."

REF# _a40-2/AkariU2.JPG
by Akari (age 10, girl)
Tokyo, Japan
"Two animals are waiting for clearing up the sky..."

REF# _a40-1/ShomaO1.GIF
by Shoma (age 10, boy)
Fukuoka, Japan

REF# _a39-5/RyanS1.JPG
by Ryan (age 6, boy)
Massachusetts, USA
"My colorful animal picture"

REF# _a39-4/AmyY2.JPG
by Amy (age 6, girl)
British Columbia, Canada
"The puppy of many colors."

REF# _a39-3/JadeT1.GIF
by Jade (age 7, girl)
devon, England
"fish in the sea"

REF# _a39-2/AlexandraS.JPG
by Alexandra (age 11, girl)
Rishon le Zion, Israel
"I love them"

REF# _a39-1/JohnK1.GIF
by John (age 6, boy)
Edinburgh, UK
"Peekachoo in the mountains"