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Click a square icon to see the picture. Click a bean icon to read a story for the picture.

REF# _f13-5/AlexandraS2.JPG
by Alexandra (age 9, girl)
"I love the Gold!!!"

REF# _f13-4/AleishaR1.JPG
by Aleisha (age 7, girl)
Victoria, Australia
"Angel Land"

REF# _f13-3/SowmyaS2.JPG
by Sowmya (age 6, girl)
Tamil Nadu, India
"My Guardian Angel"

REF# _f13-2/AkikoK3.GIF
by Akiko (age 10, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan

REF# _f13-1/YorkS2.JPG
by York (age 10, boy)
NRW, Germany
"The Alien thanking his God"

REF# _f12-5/VeronicaO1.JPG
by Veronica (age 12, girl)
Western Australia, Australia
"A Dragon I Drew"(original size)

REF# _f12-4/MorganaB.GIF
by Morgana (age 9, girl)
Illinois, USA
"Magic Fairy"

REF# _f12-3/EmilyG4.JPG
by Emily (age 5, girl)
Newfoundland, Canada
"Emily's Hallowe'en Picture"

REF# _f12-2/AmandaT3.GIF
by Amanda (age 6, girl)
N.B., Canada
"Halloween"(original size)

REF# _f12-1/KanaM.GIF
by Kana (age 9, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan
"A lovely teddy!"

REF# _f11-5/KahoM.GIF
by Kaho (age 8, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan
"Fishes in the ocean"

REF# _f11-4/EmiO.GIF
by Emi (age 11, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan

REF# _f11-3/NaokoW2.GIF
by Naoko (age 14, girl)
Shimane, Japan
"I am Dorami. I am Doraemon's sister."

REF# _f11-2/JunichiT.GIF
by Junichi (age 14, boy)
Shimane, Japan
"Please e-mail me!"

REF# _f11-1/ChihiroT2.GIF
by Chihiro (age 10, girl)
Gunma, Japan
"This is a replication of a Chihiro Iwasaki's picture."