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Click a square icon to see the picture. Click a bean icon to read a story for the picture.

REF# _s16-5/EmilyG1.JPG
by Emily (age 5, girl)
Newfoundland, Canada
"This is a picture of my house."

REF# _s16-4/MadelineS.JPG
by Madeline (age 6, girl)
"She did the best she could.."

REF# _s16-3/HuseinM.JPG
by Husein (age 7, boy)
London, UK
"The Green"

REF# _s16-2/TatunoriB.JPG
by Tatunori (age 9, boy)
Tokyo, Japan
"A town in the night"(original size)

REF# _s16-1/AnnaM4.JPG
by Anna (age 9, girl)
"My flowers"(original size)

REF# _s15-5/LucaM2.JPG
by Luca (age 5, boy)
Milan, Italy
"With my fingers"

REF# _s15-4/LucaM.JPG
by Luca (age 5, boy)
Marcallo(Milan), Italy
"Little picture of the nature."

REF# _s15-3/NanakoF.JPG
by Nanako (age 11, girl)
Ibaragi, Japan
"Mountain view"

REF# _s15-2/AnnaM3.JPG
by Anna (age 9, girl)
"A rain in the night "

REF# _s15-1/KeisukeO3.JPG
by Keisuke (age 13, boy)
Shiauoka, Japan
"Early Summer"

REF# _s14-5/AsaS2.JPG
by Asa (age 6, girl)
Hokkaido, Japan
"I planted sunflower seeds."

REF# _s14-4/LydiaS.GIF
by Lydia (age 10, girl)
Cheshire UK
"I called this picture "The Wood""

REF# s07_1-3/KanakoN.JPG
by Kanako (age 9, girl)
Kanagawa, Japan
"I used to live this negberhood."

REF# _s14-2/YukikoH.JPG
by Yukiko (age 6, girl)
Nagano, Japan
"This point is fish." (original size)

REF# _s14-1/SarahJ.JPG
by Sarah (age 11, girl)
A house on a hilltop! (original size)