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REF# _s25-5/ParnainE1.GIF
by Parnain (age 8, girl)

REF# _s25-4/AliciaC1.JPG
by Alicia (age 7, girl)
Arizona, USA
"The Rose"

REF# _s25-3/TatsushiS1.JPG
by Tatsushi (age 7, boy)
Niigata, Japan
"The Milky Way"

REF# _s25-2/VinidhraV2.JPG
by Vinidhra (age 11, girl)
Ontario, Canada
"This is a picture of a little house by a lake."

REF# _s25-1/JenniferK6.JPG
by Jennifer (age 11, girl)

REF# _s24-5/HannahS1.GIF
by Hannah (age 10, girl)
Pennsylvania, USA
"The bowl of color"

REF# _s24-4/EstebanF1.JPG
by Esteban (age 6, boy)
DC, Colombia
"a volcano made from fabric"

REF# _s24-3/YaserA2.JPG
by Yaser (age 7, boy)
Makkah, Saudi_Arabia
"a journey by the balloon"

REF# _s24-2/ReemA1.JPG
by Reem (age 13, girl)
makkah, Saudi_Arabia
"still nature"

REF# _s24-1/JenniferK5.JPG
by Jennifer (age 11, girl)

REF# _s23-5/DanielaK1.GIF
by Daniela (age 5, girl)
, Slovakia
"Our House"

REF# _s23-4/YaserA1.JPG
by Yaser (age 7, boy)
Makkah, Saudi_Arabia
"I love the nature of my country"

REF# _s23-3/MicheleS1.JPG
by Michele (age 8, boy)
, Italy
"Tree and clouds"

REF# _s23-2/TylerV1.JPG
by Tyler (age 7, boy)
Melbourne, Australia

REF# _s23-1/JenniferK4.JPG
by Jennifer (age 11, girl)
"The Hill"