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Click a square icon to see the picture. Click a bean icon to read a story for the picture.

REF# _a29-5/AlexandraS6.GIF
by Alexandra (age 9, girl)
"Lion and fan"

REF# _a29-4/RebeccaT1.JPG
by Rebecca (age 8, girl)
Surrey, England
"The Hungry Elephant"

REF# _a29-3/MomokoU1.JPG
by Momoko (age 6, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan
"I drew a picture of a rabbit in a plastic boad."

REF# _a29-2/KellyM1.JPG
by Kelly (age 8, girl)
"My Pet"

REF# _a29-1/MayuS1.JPG
by Mayu (age 10, girl)
Tokyo, Japan
"Japanese -tea Drinking Cat"

REF# _a28-5/GrantT1.JPG
by Grant (age 8, boy)
Florida, USA
"Funny Bunny Comic Strip"

REF# _a28-4/EmmaJ1.JPG
by Emma (age 10, girl)
Norfolk England, UK

REF# _a28-3/ToniZ2.GIF
by Toni (age 10, girl)
BC, Canada
"Volcano is erupting and triceratop is getting mad."

REF# _a28-2/AlexandraS3.JPG
by Alexandra (age 9, girl)

REF# _a28-1/MiruI1.GIF
by Miru (age 10, girl)
Okinawa, Japan
"Dinosaur and a girl"

REF# _a27-5/MichealP.JPG
by Micheal (age 8, boy)
"My Dogs (A Poem)"
see Mike's story My Dogs (A Poem) goes with this picture.

REF# _a27-4/AlexandraS1.GIF
by Alexandra (age 9, girl)
, Israel

REF# _a27-3/SowmyaS1.JPG
by Sowmya (age 6, girl)
Tamil Nadu, India
"My pet Parrot"

REF# _a27-2/ChristianR1.JPG
by Christian (age 2, boy)
"This is a happy fox"

REF# _a27-1/LaurenB1.GIF
by Lauren (age 12, girl)
Kansas, USA
"I love cats!"