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REF# _a32-5/ChikaiY2.GIF
by Chikai (age 10, boy)
Aichi prefecture, Japan

REF# _a32-4/RebeccaB3.GIF
by Rebecca (age 5, girl)
"Rebecca`s rabbit"

REF# _a32-3/BexieB2.GIF
by Bexie (age 13, girl)
Sussex, England

REF# _a32-2/HarrietD1.GIF
by Harriet (age 11, girl)
"Harriet`s cat Joe"

REF# _a32-1/VictorD1.JPG
by Victor (age 8, boy)
Bucharest, Romania
"The curious friendship "

REF# _a31-5/KiraK1.GIF
by Kira (age 9, girl)
"Happy Dolphin"

REF# _a31-4/ToniZ3.JPG
by Toni (age 11, girl)
British Columbia, Canada

REF# _a31-3/NanaF2.GIF
by Nana (age 5, girl)
Tokyo, Japan

REF# _a31-2/SuzanneM3.GIF
by Suzanne (age 9, girl)
Lancashire, UK
"babe - a pig on a mission"

REF# _a31-1/BexieB1.JPG
by Bexie (age 13, girl)
Sussex, England
"This Is Romeo The Cat"

REF# _a30-5/ChikaiY1.GIF
by Chikai (age 9, boy)
Aichi, Japan
"The picture of chikai's turtle"

REF# _a30-4/AlexandraS7.GIF
by Alexandra (age 9, girl)
Israel, Israel
"Goofy and Max"

REF# _a30-3/MayuS2.GIF
by Mayu (age 11, girl)
Tokyo, Japan
"The rabbits making rice cakes in the moon"

REF# _a30-2/AnnaN1.GIF
by Anna (age 9, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan
"The moon and a dog"

REF# _a30-1/NadineS5.JPG
by Nadine (age 10, girl)
Montreal, CANADA
"Me & My Cat"