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Click a square icon to see the picture. Click a bean icon to read a story for the picture.

REF# _f19-5/MaiO1.JPG
by Mai
California, USA
"Byakuya of the draw."

REF# _f19-4/NeilD1.JPG
by Neil (age 9, boy)
Auckland, New_Zealand

REF# _f19-3/DanielAWC1.GIF
by Daniel (age 11, boy)
North Carolina, USA
"The Earth has been turned into the Black Star of Life."

REF# _f19-2/HARUI1.JPG
by Haru (age 9, girl)
Kanagawa, Japan
"It will rain tomorrow, a child bear, a flower and Teru-Teru Bouzu"

REF# _f19-1/GeordieB1.GIF
by Geordie (age 12, boy)
Napier, New_Zealand

REF# _f18-5/AkikoK4.GIF
by Akiko (age 11, girl)
Fukuoka, Japan
"The rainbow bird"

REF# _f18-4/TaarikaR1.GIF
by Taarika (age 7, girl)
Kerala, India
"The Titanic"

REF# f08-2-3/ToniZ5.JPG
by Toni (age 11, girl)
BC, Canada
"Flower Fairy"

REF# _f18-2/JackieD5.JPG
by Jackie (age 10, girl)
California, USA
"Flying in the Sky"

REF# _f18-1/LaceyP1.JPG
by Lacey (age 10, girl)
Virginia, USA
"This a picture of a dragon"

REF# _f17-5/Sara-AnnL2.JPG
by Sara-Ann (age 11, girl)
"Angles in the clouds"

REF# _f17-4/KazukiA1.GIF
by Kazuki (age 10, boy)
Fukuoka, Japan
"This is PERUCYA. I made this monster."

REF# _f17-3/EricaT3.GIF
by Erica (age 10, girl)
N.B., Canada
"This is Goofy.I drew him by myself.I hope you like him!!"

REF# _f17-2/JackieD4.JPG
by Jackie (age 10, girl)
California, USA

REF# _f17-1/AnaM2.JPG
by Ana (age 6, girl)
"The necklace of stars"