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REF# f09-3-4/Sho.GIF
by Sho (age 9, boy)
"This is about a Santa having a little trouble giving out toys at Christmas night. I hope it really doesn't happen to Santa."

REF# f09-2-5/KrystenN1.GIF
by Krysten (age 11, girl)
Texas, USA
"This is a kind of a sci-fi picture.It's the sun and moon combined."

REF# f09-2-4/MadokaS1.JPG
by Madoka (age 7, girl)
Aichi, Japan
"Rainbows in the country of ice."

REF# f09-2-3/EvanM7.GIF
by Evan (age 10, boy)
BC, Canada
"Ev Yoshi"

REF# f09-2-2/NaokiY1.JPG
by Naoki (age 11, boy)
Okayama, Japan
" Can you Imagine?"

REF# f09-2-1/YukaY1.JPG
by Yuka (age 4, girl)
Osaka, Japan
"Heart-Chan and Heart-Kun"

REF# f09-1-5/EvanM6.GIF
by Evan (age 10, boy)
BC, Canada

REF# f09-1-4/AmyY1.JPG
by Amy (age 6, girl)
British Columbia, Canada
"Unicorn in a garden"

REF# f09-1-3/AkiraA2.GIF
by Akira (age 6, boy)
"The ghost"

REF# f09-1-2/KaraB1.JPG
by Kara (age 12, girl)
Connecticut, USA
"This is a fairy that lives in the woods."

REF# f09-1-1/JacekD1.JPG
by Jacek (age 10, boy)
-, Poland
"Invasion from the Mars! Group JSHWCBE (Jacek's Super Heroes Who Can Beat Everything) go to rescue!"